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Lie or Truth: Which is Scarier?


People hate me because not only do I expose the truth about them, I am honest about the Devil I am. Take it or leave it. I believe in being upfront and open because I don’t like to waste time on liars or waste time on lying.

Yes, sometimes the truth stabs but I do not believe in sugar-coating and I do believe in calling people out on bad behavior. I equally accept people calling me out on mine because the things I say are shocking and sometimes offensive, even though I don’t intend them to come across that way.

I have always been honest about my shortcomings, so how about before you lie to me, you take a good look in the mirror and be honest with yourself?

Who are you?

You all know who I am. And I am not always fun and pleasant. I am loyal, but mostly unforgiving when you’ve crossed my path after I’ve fought for you. But now you fight against me? Good riddance.

I am very particular and protective about the people in my circle and quite thought I had the skill down, but there are still jerks in disguise that not only drain me, but make me look like a jerk in my loud self-defense. Oh, you’re the quiet one in front of friends so you are good.

NO. Just because everyone else doesn’t hear what you say to me doesn’t mean that I didn’t hear it.

But all my neighbors do hear you in the middle of the night as well as hear their walls shake and it’s embarrassing for me to even defend you because everyone is so worried about me. Just trying to live a normal life. And it really is awesome without the toxic people.

If you own yourself and your ish from jump, it’s someone else’s fault if he or she gets involved. If you lie about ish from jump, it’s your own g-d fault that that crashed and burned all over you.

Just saying.


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